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Continuous Improvement Enablement

Leverage Strategy Deployment and Continuous Alignment to focus on what's most important to improve

Fundamental principles like safety, quality, cost and customer service are always important; but they may not always be the thing the company needs to improve the most. Your continuous improvement agenda needs to put it's muscle against the areas that require the most improvement, as indicated by the company's strategy. Here's how Impruver helps with continuous alignment:

Clarify Company Direction

Use Impruver’s Strategy Deployment process to increase clarity about which specific direction the company is going.

Catch Ball of Target Conditions

Impruver helps combine passion with purpose by helping teams decide how they will contribute to the company’s strategy.

Verification of Alignment

It’s not enough to just “say we’re aligned”. Use Impruver to establish an alignment contract by having leaders digitally verify alignment.

Impruver - Strategy Deployment and Continuous Alignment for Continuous Improvement

Ensure everyone’s improvement work aligns with company strategy

Your company not only needs to be moving – it needs to be moving in the right direction. Impruver helps deploy strategy from the CEO to the shop floor and drives for the alignment of every individual in the company to the overall strategy. This may seem like an impossible feat but actually it’s quite simple. Leaders set their vision and target condition, then their teams do the same. Then leaders review the targets of the members of their teams and click a checkbox verifying that alignment has been achieved. This same process repeats throughout the entire organization and voila, complete alignment made easy. To remain aligned, once leaders change their visions or target conditions, the alignment checkboxes for their team members are cleared and Impruver triggers the re-alignment process.

Provide a framework for coaching and practice

In Continuous Improvement, speed against the company’s goals – is the goal. Don’t be misled to think CI is all about how many Kaizen events you’re doing or which Lean tools you’re using. It’s about winning in business. Toyota didn’t start with a bunch of tools; the tools were the product of hustling to solve problems everyday (and frankly to keep them from going out of business). Real lasting value is built through the struggle of solving the company’s problems. Toyota freely shares their CI tools because they know that blindly applying them does not bring value. The value is created by educating your people to overcome challenges as related to their area of the business and nurturing a culture of growth. With this in mind, the role of leaders is to coach this talent into the organization by driving discipline in the application of the scientific methodology to solve problems.Those responsible for executing processes become learners and leaders become coaches or teachers. Impruver provides the framework to facilitate this powerful dynamic.

Impruver - Strategy Deployment and Continuous Alignment for Continuous Improvement

Distinguish “Base Work” from deployment of strategy and ensure base is sustained

The winners of today are those who went above and beyond yesterday. Set the expectation that the goal is not just to play, but to win in your organization.

Impruver - Strategy Deployment and Continuous Alignment for Continuous Improvement

Monitor Value Stream Execution

The value stream is your bread, milk, and butter. Strike the right balance between preparing to win in the future and sustaining a healthy and happy customer base today.

Engage in Daily Successes at the Shop Floor Level

Battles are won on the front line everyday. Stay in the loop of daily victories through Impruver’s Success Story Notifications and Better Everyday Wall.

Get Better in the Most Important Ways

No Improvement – bad;
Random Improvement – better;
Improvement focused on sound strategy – best.
Impruver is your GPS to your company’s True North.


What others are saying about how Impruver is impacting their manufacturing businesses

Client Image

Our operators now have the capability to fix the small things so that we can focus more on the plant's future.

  • Juan Vanegas-Lopez
  • Maintenance & Engineering Manager
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Our plant folks are leading, our customers are happy, and our strategy is moving. Its a win-win-win.

  • Dan Michaelson
  • COO
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My team now understands what they're supposed to be doing with all the data we have out there.

  • Samantha Fox
  • Director of Operations

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